Arney Dalton Scottish Rite Graduate Fellowship in Language Disorders

Scholarship Information

The Scottish Rite Foundation has established this fellowship for graduate students in the Radford University Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. The Scottish Rite Foundation established the fellowship to assist students who will serve children with speech and hearing disorders. Application forms are available through the Radford University Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders.

Scholarship Criteria

  • The scholarship is available to residents of Virginia who have completed a Baccalaureate major in Communication Sciences and Disorders.
  • Who have enrolled in the graduate program at Radford.
  • Upon completion of the graduate program, the fellow will be expected to accept a position in Virginia working with children with language disorders.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Have you completed at least one semester of coursework as a graduate student in Communication Sciences and Disorders?
  2. Priority will be given to Virginia residents. Are you a Virginia resident?
  3. You may be invited to an annual Scottish Rite banquet. Will you be willing to attend?
  4. Why do you think you are an excellent candidate for a Scottish Rite Fellowship?
  5. Recipients of the Scottish Rite fellowships will be directly involved in clinical service projects in language disorders directed by faculty in Communication Sciences and Disorders. The fellows will be expected to complete a clinical service project related to language disorders in children, including a written summary of the research. Do you agree to do this?
  6. Please provide the names of three faculty you would consider working with and a brief proposal for research or a clinical service project related to children with language disorders.
  7. Upon completion of the graduate program, fellows are expected to accept a position in Virginia working with children with language disorders. Do you agree to this?
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